I apologize for my recent absence in the last few weeks. I have been really trying to focus on getting back in to school, and getting financial aid for that. That however doesn't mean that I have forgotten about you, my dear readers. I have missed you, and missed telling you about my toddler's antics. Her imagination seems to be growing by the second. It's hard to keep up with. Sometimes I think she is being serious when she is pretending, and sometimes I think she is pretending when she is really being serious. This is has gotten me in trouble with her several times already. And then there are the times when she is purposefully trying to trick me up, and make me look silly. At which point she starts laughing and at me and calls me silly mommy. She's a regular comedian. I swear. Haha.
I can't wait until she pulls this on her father, who by the way says he will be here for Christmas. I guess we will just have to wait and see. I still don't trust him. But my little girl is excited about seeing him, so like I said, we'll just have to see how things go.

I hope everyone's fall/winter/holiday season is going well! Also I'm curious what my next topic should be more geared towards? My usual of parenting, or should it be about the holidays? What would you like to have a discussion about? Leave me a comment, twitter me, facebook me and let me know!!

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