Monday, September 12, 2011

10 Day Challenge: Day 2

Today's Challenge is  9 Loves:

1. My daughter is biggest love I have in this world. I can't express just how much I love her.

2. I have an addiction to photography. Not just taking pictures, but editing them. Framing pictures. I have been known to spend my last dollar on a new picture frame. There is only a small amount of blank space left on the walls at my house. And that's Katy's room, but everywhere else you look, you will find photos (mostly of my daughter, who is my favorite subject- as seen above).

3. I love blogging, and staying up late to do giveaways. (Even if I am sleep-deprived the next day)

4. Mountain Dew in a can. 

5. Fave color: Purple. (Have you noticed almost everything on my site is some shade of purple? Lol.)

6. Watching older Disney movies with my daughter.

7. My mom.

8. My neices, and nephews. I have a lot (aging from 1 yr to 17 yrs)!

9. The Gospel, My Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ.


1 comment:

  1. I love purple and old disney movies too. You have great taste :)
