Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Blogger Buddies 2


I read some blogs from this dynamic blogger, and absolutely loved them. Please take a moment to go check her blog out!

The Maven of Social Media

Kerri Jablonski been socially active on the Internet since there was Internet. (yes yes she was on ICQ) She likes to share knowledge and believes as long as we learning and sharing with others we are growing. She can be obnoxiously passionate about things. Be forewarned. This is a good thing for the brands she works with.
She’ll probably answer to The Maven but people that know her call her Kerri. She started out in college with the intentions of becoming a writer with an emphasis in graphic communications, found herself with a B.S. in Textile Chemistry and now, well, she’s back to writing.
Residing in the Pacific Northwest she managed the Seattle division of from April 2009-July 2011 until they were acquired by another company. Kerri is also an  “INK Blotter” blogger for Scandinavian Child, as well a guest writer for a  few other sites.
Aside from working with great companies and brands, Kerri  also has two terrific kids. My 3 1/2 year old son was recently diagnosed with Autism, so she’s interested in anything to make life easier for him. His younger sister was 8 weeks early and has her own challenges, so yes, you might say she has her hands full.
Never feel like you can’t drop her a line. Feel free to complete her contact form or email her at kerri AT themavenofsocialmedia DOT com.

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