So I realise that I haven't been on much in the last few days. I have a lot on my plate right now. Not to mention the technical difficulties with my internet. Anyway, starting this morning I have been really pushing my toddler for potty training. We've tried in the past, but it was just kinda if she wanted to. Now I'm really focused on it. I know she's ready. She tells me everytime she goes potty in her diaper, and she seems really interested in her potty chair. So last night I got a bag of treats for her. The bag is full of candy, and other treats. My friend who potty trained her 4 children suggested that I find something to encourage my daughter. Anyway, so I sat her down this morning and we had a little chat about her potty chair, her potty pants (pull-ups), and the bag of treats she gets to pick from if she does go potty. She seemed to understand. Which made me super excited. About 20 minutes later, she said "Mommy, I gotta potty". So I showed her how to take her "potty pants off" and sit on the "potty chair". And SHAZAAM! I was so happy, we both were jumping up and down in excitement. She picked a green sucker from the "treat bag", and there you go! So far she has only had an accident once, but that's because we were outside and she was a little too distracted by toys. AWESOME!! So far, so good. Day 1 down.
I suppose you all want to know who won the Simple Pleasures Giveaway that ended yesterday. Well... (drumroll please)...
Its Bridget Gilligan!
Congratulations, Bridget! I hope you enjoy your prize pack!!!
Next on the agenda, I have been trying to come up with costume ideas for my daughter for Halloween. The only one I could come up with is pebbles from the flinstones. She has the red hair, and she's the right age for it. But in my area, bambam and pebbles have been done a lot. So any of you have any suggestions? Send me a twitter @MoreSmoresMama or just leave a comment! That would be really awesome! Thanks!
Well, I hope everyone is having a lovely day, and I hope you all are having fun!
Until next time,

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