Yes, it's been awhile since I have updated my blog regularly. I have to admit that I have been super busy and distracted with my plans to head back to school. Yup that's right single working mommy turned single working college student mommy. Haha... I think I may be in for a rough journey but this is sometihing that I've ALWAYS wanted to do. I am so super duper excited. And the best part?? I will be majoring in Marketing so I'm sure the more experience I get, the better my blog will be!!! I hope at least. This is not one of those things that I start and then decide after awhile that I just don't feel like doing it anymore. Because finishing a degree will ensure a better job, and ensure a better life for my daughter. But I also promise that I will continue to update my blog with fun topics about my crazy toddler, parenting, and surviving. Speaking of, my daughter as with all children, is growing up way too fast. I wish she wouldn't learn and grow so fast. I miss the little baby girl she used to be when she was still crawling and babbling. But now she is a toddler. Talking full sentences, and she won't stop asking questions, Haha. And she now runs faster than I do, she chases circles around her aging mother. I think my favorite part right now is that she doesn't always pronounce things right, so they sound funny. And she makes up her own words sometimes. Spaghetti is sketti. Popcicle is posikle. She's hilarious.
So my curious question to you is what is your favorite time? Crawling? Walking? Talking? etc.

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