I'm sure you've all heard of someone, know of someone, or been victims yourselves of the infamous identity theft. I know I have. Just a few years back, I went to open a new bank account with a new bank. They wouldn't let me, which was unbelievably frustrating. I couldn't understand why. I had decent credit, and never really any problems. Low and behold identity theft reared it's ugly head up. Apparently someone was using MY social security number for his illegal bank/credit card account and had charged thousands. This guy had an arrest warrant out for him. Under MY social security number. CRAZY, right? Yes, but you wouldn't believe just how much it happens. Millions. That's right, MILLIONS of people are the victims of similar identity theft. Including one that recently happened to my mom. She is disabled and only gets a fixed amount every month. So when someone stole 200$ off her account last month, it was a BIG deal. The economy these days is definitely a challenge, without adding insult to injury. But when you budget your entire month on low income, and someone steals it? That just really sucks.
Well, guess what? There are people who can help. People you can trust.
Places like IdentityHawk. IdentityHawk not only helps you if you are a victim of identity theft, but they can also help you take steps to prevent it from happening. They can help you identify possible risks before anything bad happens. By eliminating those risks, they help you lower the possibility of being a victim. IdentityHawk recently aired a commercial on television to help educate people on comprehensive identity theft solutions. Check out the IdentityHawk commercial, I love the hawk in it. The Hawk is big, macho, and he stops the thief. I know it sounds a little cheesy, but it's not really that cheesy. And I have definitely spent some time on their website, and it is very professional, and easy to use.
Take just a few minutes to check them out, I promise you won't be disappointed. And you don't want to be stuck between a rock and a hard place when a thief decides to steal from you.
Hope you all have an amazing day!

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