Monday, September 19, 2011

NEW! More Smores Monday Madness!

Hello there, Ladies (and gentlemen)!!!
I'm starting something new here on More Smores. It's called More Smores Monday Madness! You're probably wondering what the heck it is. Well I'll tell you...

Every Monday we start the week out, and (at least for me) Monday seems to be the most frustrating day of the week. A lot of traffic on the road, people cranky cause they have to go back to work, kids annoyed cause they have to go back to school, etc. That truck that cuts you off, the old lady driving 5 miles an hour, those slow college students j-walking, etc. Well, I'm here for you whatever the case may be. So take a deep breath, and let this be your room to vent! I wanna hear ALL about it (keep the language/subject clean though please)!!!! It doesn't even have to be from today, anything frustrating you this week that you want to share! So take another deep breath, count to ten... and tell me what makes you mad!!!!

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1 comment:

  1. hmm I think I have too many things to list :) I'll go with what's bugging me most today- HUGE-MUNGUS (as my kids say)headache and a rainy day to boot :(
