My daughter, as with most single moms is the most important thing in my world. I must admit she is far more intelligent, and motivated individual than I am (not sure where she got that, maybe beginners luck on my part). Anyway, she seems to take care of me more than I do for her it seems. Perfect example of this happened earlier this evening. I had recieved some pretty distressing information earlier today, and I was having a hard time holding things together. I tried so hard not to show my daughter, because I didn't want her to stress, or be upset. But as every parent knows, sometimes you just crack. But my two year old, baby girl completely suprised me. It was like twilight zone (given the tantrum about watching elmo she had five minutes earlier). I was sitting on the couch and I started crying. My daughter walked up to me, and asked "you okay, mom?" She then patted my head like a dog and added, "It'll be okay, mommy." Kissing my cheek, and then gave me the biggest bear hug her two year old little arms could handle. I smiled so hard for the next five minutes, that my cheeks started to hurt. That is what makes this crazy life of being a single mom, totally worth every second.

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