Monday, August 29, 2011

I'll scratch your back, if you scratch mine!!

Hey ladies and gentlemen: so heres the deal, for every person that likes my new facebook page I will like your page, subscribe to your blog, and recommend you on twitter. And for those who recommend the page to their friends, I might even write a small blog about your blog recommending it to others. This may seem a bit ridiculous, but well I want people to like my page please!! So if you like my page on FB, make sure to leave me a comment here or fb so I can subscribe to your blog, follow you on twitter, like your page, etc! Thanks everyone!!
( the easiest way to do it is by clicking the little like button on the right hand side of this page!)
Here's the fb page:


  1. Happy to support a fellow blogger! Let me know who you are on twitter so I can follow you too!

    Kerri aka The Maven

  2. Just gotta love someone who has a goal and a clear plan for getting there!! Happy to lend a hand and like your fb page. I also like your new blog colours, header, and layout! Yay!

  3. Thanks! I'll probably regret the late night overhaul in the morning when my daughter wakes me up in a few hours! But I am definitely proud of it!!!
